O-Litter is born!

At 5th November 2017, 4 healthy puppies are born. The colours are red and brindle. Male (red) and a brindle female. Now they are already 3 weeks old and are developing magnificently :).

Pridestaff's O-Wurf

4,5 weeks and they grow up!

How fast time passes and the little ones are developing magnificently.
If you are interested in a puppy, please feel free to contact us.

N-Litter is Born!

At 12th May 2017, 3 healthy puppies are born. The colours are red and brindle.

Left to right: male, male, female

Pridestaff's N-Wurf

We expect puppies!

We expect puppies Staffordshire Bullterrier Germany

M-Litter is Born!

At 16th December 2016, 3 healthy females are born. The colours are red and brindle.

Pride Staff's Moonraker
Pride Staff's Moonraker
Pride Staff's Moonraker

Pride Staff's Miss Harley Quinn
Pride Staff's Miss Harley Quinn
Pride Staff's Miss Harley Quinn

Pride Staff's Morningstar
Pride Staff's Morningstar
Pride Staff's Morningstar